Friday, February 1, 2013


They've apparently stopped the competitions they had going for about 6 months and anyone who got trophies or medals, as it were, lost all brag rights bcs you no longer have them. That's kind of shitty, for those people who put the time in to get them. I wasn't one of those people but still. I do however love the new trophies. You get medals for preforming certain tasks and there are 4 levels for almost all of them. Wood is lowest, although its not a medal, it's a tree, but who am I to argue over semantics? Oh right! I'm me! Hahahahaha!

Moving on... Bronze is the next medal tier, you have to do something different to get it. Once you get wood trophy, it will tell you specifics on what you need to get to the next level, however it only gives you one level at a time, and you basically have to shoot in the dark to get wood bcs there's no explanation on how to achieve them initially.

You won't know how to get these gems unless you ask someone how they got theirs. Most people are willing to bestow their knowledge.
Silver is the 3rd tier and Gold is the 4th. To reach the ranks of these takes time and patience. Oh and probably skill.

Your medals are posted on a player's profile and can be accessed in portal, for your own. You can set which medal you want displayed or make them private if you're shy. :-)

Within your own you can view the list of medals you have yet to achieve. No explanation, just their titles. Intrigue!!!

That's it, metals in a nutshell. :-) Did they have to make her look 16?? It's a little creepy.